Happiness, what does it all mean? Is it a genuine feeling or a trick of our mind affecting our perception? How does one discern which is true happiness and when are we tricked into thinking that we are happy? Where does one draw the line?
Over time, the more material possessions we have. More philosophical we become about what happiness is. There are many variables, but only one constant to happiness. -IT MEANS DIFFERENT THINGS TO DIFFERENT PEOPLE!
Happiness does not have a universal definition.
There are many things in this life which we cannot control, perception is not one of them.
We are the ones who determine how we “see” and accept people and circumstances! There is no doubt that circumstances affect our lives. Yet, circumstances change more often than our perceptions. With age, we become more set in our ways, and our perceptions are our being. Perceptions, often determine the direction in which we “sway” in any given argument!
Often, when we are face disagreements in regards to our perceptions we view it as a “threat”. This is because we are certain that our perception of a particular person or an event is the “right” one! Humans are inherent in opposition to change, as we are afraid of it! When it comes to happiness, it is very unique. That feeling we love and get when we are in this…